The Pringle Laboratory


The Pringle laboratory is generously supported by the University of Wisconsin, the Human Frontier Science Program, the National Science Foundation, Templeton Foundation, and also benefits from collaborations with the Joint Genome Institute of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Heil J., C.J. Wolock, N.E. Pierce, A. Pringle, L.S. Bittleston. In revision. Sarracenia pitcher plant-associated microbial communities differ primarily by host species across a longitudinal gradient. Environemtnal Microbiology.

Gentry S.L., J.M. Lorch, Lankton J.S., A. Pringle. 2021. Koch's postulates: Confirming Nannizziopsis guarroi as the cause of yellow fungal disease in Pogona vitticeps. Mycologia. [Download]

Iapichino M., Y.-W. Wang , S. Gentry, A. Pringle, A. Seminara. 2021. A precise relationship among Buller's drop, ballistospore and gill morphologies enables maximal packing of spores within gilled mushrooms. Mycologia. [Download]

Romero-Olivares A.L., E.W. Morrison, A. Pringle, S.D. Frey. 2021. Linking genes to traits in fungi. Microbial Ecology. [Download]

Wang Y.-W., J. Hess, J.C. Slot, A. Pringle. 2020. De novo gene birth, horizontal gene transfer and gene duplication as sources of new gene families associated with the origin of a symbiosis in the fungal genus Amanita. Genome Biology and Evolution. [Download]

Oneto D.L., J. Golan, A. Mazzino, A. Pringle, A. Seminara. 2020. Timing of fungal spore release dictates survival during atmospheric transport. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). [Download]

Adams C.A., K. Zimmerman, K. Fenstermacher, M.G. Thompson, W. Skyrud, S. Behie, A. Pringle. 2020. Fungal seed pathogens of wild chili peppers possess multiple mechanisms to tolerate capsaicinoids. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.[Download]

Vargas-Estupiñán N., S. Gonçalves, A.E. Franco-Molano, S. Restrepo, A. Pringle. 2019. In Colombia the Eurasian fungus Amanita muscaria is expanding its range into native, tropical Quercus humboldtii forests. Mycologia. 132:120-130.[Download]

Morrison, E.W., A. Pringle, L.T.A. van Diepen, A.S. Grandy, J.M. Melillo, S.D. Frey 2019. Warming alters fungal communities and litter chemistry with implications for soil carbon stocks. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 132:120-130.[Download]

Lopez-Nieves, S., A. Pringle, H. Maeda. 2019. Biochemical characterization of TyrA dehydrogenases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Ascomycota) and Pleurotus ostreatus (Basidiomycota). Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 655:12-19.[Download]

Boynton, P.J., C.N. Peterson, A. Pringle. 2019. Superior dispersal ability can lead to persistent ecological dominance throughout succession. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 85:e02421-18.[Download]

Morrison, E.W., A. Pringle, L.T.A. van Diepen, S.D. Frey 2018. Simulated nitrogen deposition favors stress-tolerant fungi with low potential for decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 125:75-85.[Download]

Hess J., I. Skrede, M. Chaib de Mares, M. Hainault, B. Henrissat, A. Pringle. 2018. Rapid divergence of genome architectures following the origin of an ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in the genus Amanita. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35:2786-2804.[Download]

Bittleston L.S., C. Wolock*, E.Y. Bakhtiar, X.Y. Chan, K.G. Chan, N.E. Pierce, A. Pringle. 2018. Convergence between the microcosms of Southeast Asian and North American pitcher plants. eLife 2018;7:e36741.[Download]

Morrison, E.W., S.D. Frey, L.T.A. van Diepen, A. Pringle. 2018. Simulated nitrogen deposition favors stress-tolerant fungi with low potential for decomposition. Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 125:75-85.[Download]

Hoeksema J.D., J.D. Bever, S. Chakraborty, V.B. Chaudhary, M. Gardes, C.A. Gehring, M.M. Hart, E.A. Housworth, W. Kaonongbua, J. Klironomos, M.J. Lajeunesse, J.F. Meadow, B. Milligan, B. Piculell, A. Pringle, M.A. Rúa, J. Umbanhowar, W. Viechtbauer, Y.W. Wang, G.W.T. Wilson, P.C. Zee. 2018. Evolutionary history of plant hosts and fungal symbionts predicts the strength of mycorrhizal mutualism. Communications Biology 1, Article number 116. [Download]

Seminara A., J. Fritz, M.P. Brenner, A. Pringle. 2018. A universal growth limit for circular lichens. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15: 20180063.[Download]

Dickie I., J. Bufford, R. Cobb, M.-L. Desprez-Loustau, G. Grelet, P. Hulme, J. Klironomos, A. Makiola, M.A. Nuñez, A. Pringle, P. Thrall, L. Waller, N. Williams. 2017. The emerging science of linked plant-fungal invasions. (New Phytologist 215:1314-1332).[Download]

Liu F., R.L. Chavez, S.N. Patek, A. Pringle, J.J. Feng, C.H. Chen. 2017. Asymmetric drop coalescence launches fungal ballistospores with directionality. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14:20170083.

Pringle A. 2017. Establishing new worlds: the lichens of Petersham. In Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet, eds. A. Tsing, H.A. Swanson. University of Minnesota Press.

Levitis, D., K. Zimmerman, A. Pringle. 2017. Is meiosis a fundamental cause of inviability among sexual and asexual plants and animals? (Proc. Royal Soc. B).[Download]

Alim K., N. Andrew, A. Pringle, M.P. Brenner. 2017. Mechanism of signal propagation in Physarum polycephalum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).[Download]

Levitis D., J. Golan, A. Pringle, J. Taylor. 2017. A century later, resolving Joseph Grinnell’s "Striking Case of Adventitious Coloration". The Auk: Ornithological Advances.[Download]

Golan, J., A. Pringle. 2017. Long-distance dispersal of fungi. Microbiology Spectrum. [Download] (Will also be bound for publication in: The Fungal Kingdom, ed. N.A.R. Gow and J. Heitman. ASM: Washington D.C.)

Baker C.C.M., D.J. Martins, J.N. Pelaez, J.P.J. Billen, A. Pringle, M.E. Frederickson, N.E. Pierce. 2017. Distinctive fungal communities in an obligate African ant plant mutualism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Hobbie E.A., B.A. Schubert, J.M. Craine, E. Linder, A. Pringle. 2017. Carbon isotopes in the saprotrophic fungus Amanita thiersii reveal increased C3 productivity of Midwestern lawns since 1982. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.[Download]

Pringle A., M. Brenner, J. Fritz, M. Roper, A. Seminara. 2017. Reaching the wind: Boundary layer escape as a constraint on ascomycete spore shooting. In The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem (Fourth Edition), ed. J. Dighton and J.F. White. Taylor & Francis: Oxford.

van Diepen L.T.A., S.D. Frey, E.A. Landis, E.W. Morrison, A. Pringle. 2017. Fungi exposed to chronic nitrogen enrichment are less able to decay leaf litter. Ecology 98:5-11.[Download]

Marbach S., K. Alim, N. Andrew, A. Pringle, M.P. Brenner. 2016. Pruning to increase efficiency of particle spread through Physarum polycephalum networks. Physical Review Letters 117, 178103.[Download]

Morrison E.W., S.D. Frey, J.J. Sadowsky, L.T.A. van Diepen, W.K. Thomas, A. Pringle. 2016. Chronic nitrogen additions fundamentally restructure the soil fungal community in a temperate forest. Fungal Ecology 23:48-57.[Download]

Pringle A. 2017. Establishing new worlds: the lichens of Petersham. For Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet, ed. A. Tsing. Island Press: Washington, D.C.

Tulloss R.E., T.W. Kuyper, E.C. Vellinga, Z.L. Yang, R.E. Halling, J. Geml, S. Sánchez-Ramírez, S. C. Gonçalves, J. Hess, A. Pringle. 2016. The genus Amanita should not be split. Amanitaceae[Download]

Dickie I.A., M.A. Nuñez, A. Pringle, T. Lebel, S. Tourtellot, P.R. Johnston. 2016. Towards management of invasive ectomycorrhizal fungi. Biological Invasions[Download]

Morrison, E.W., S.D. Frey, J.J. Sadowsky, L.T.A. van Diepen, W.K. Thomas, A. Pringle. 2016. Chronic nitrogen additions fundamentally restructure the soil fungal community in a temperate forest. Fungal Ecology[Download]

Zimmerman K., D. Levitis, A. Pringle. 2016. Beyond animals and plants: dynamic maternal effects in the fungus Neurospora crassa. Journal of Evolutionary Biology[Download]

Bittleston L., N. E. Pierce, A. M. Ellison, A. Pringle. 2016. Convergence in Multispecies Interactions. TREE.[Download]

Zimmerman K., D. Levitis, E. Addicott, A. Pringle. 2015. Maximizing the mean nearest neighbor distance of a trait to choose among potential crosses and design a fully crossed mating experiment. Heredity.[Download]

van Diepen L.T.A., S.D. Frey, C.M. Sthultz, E.W. Morrison, R. Minocha, A. Pringle. 2015. Litter quality affects the suppression of litter decay by simulated nitrogen deposition. Ecosphere.

Bittleston L.S., C.C.M. Baker, L.B. Strominger*, A. Pringle, N.E. Pierce. 2015. Metabarcoding as a tool for investigating arthropod diversity in Nepenthes pitcher plants. Austral Ecology.[Download]

Barron E.S., C. Sthultz, D. Hurley, A. Pringle. 2015. Names matter: Interdisciplinary research on taxonomy and nomenclature for ecosystem management. Progress in Physical Geography.[Download]

Pringle, A., E. Vellinga, K. Peay. In press. The shape of fungal ecology: does spore morphology give clues to a species’ niche? Fungal Ecology 17:213-216. (Commentary.)[Download]

Kohler, Kuo, Nagy, Morin, Barry, Buscot, Canbäck, Choi, Cichocki, Clum, Colpaert, Copeland, Costa, Doré, Floudas, Gay, Girlanda, Henrissat, Herrmann, Hess, Högberg, Johansson, Khouja, LaButti, Lahrmann, Levasseur, Lindquist, Lipzen, Marmeisse, Martino, Murat, Ngan, Nehls, Plett, Pringle, Ohm, Perotto, Peter, Riley, Rineau, Ruytinx, Salamov, Shah, Sun, Tarkka, Tritt, Veneault-Fourrey, Zuccaro, MGIC, Tunlid, Grigoriev, Hibbett, Martin. 2015. Convergent losses of decay mechanisms and rapid turnover of symbiosis genes in mycorrhizal mutualists. Nature Genetics 47:410-415. [Download]

Chaib de Mares, M, J Hess, D Floudas, A Lipzen, C Choi, M Kennedy, IV Grigoriev, A Pringle. 2014. Horizontal transfer of carbohydrate metabolism genes into ectomycorrhizal Amanita. New Phytologist. [Download]

Hess J, I Skrede, BE Wolfe, K LaButti, R Ohm, I Grigoriev, A Pringle. 2014. Transposable element dynamics among asymbiotic and ectomycorrhizal Amanita fungi. Genome Biology and Evolution 6:1564-1578. [Download]

Hess J, A Pringle. 2014. The natural histories of species and their genomes: Asymbiotic and ectomycorrhizal Amanita. Pages 235-257 in Fungi (Advances in Botanical Research), ed. F Martin. Academic Press: San Diego. [Download]

Alim K, N Andrew, A Pringle. 2013. Quick Guide: Physarum polycephalum. Current Biology 23:R1082-R1083. [Download]

Alim K, G Amselem, F Peaudecerf, M Brenner, A Pringle. 2013. Random network peristalsis in Physarum polycephalum organizes fluid flows across an individual. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 110:13306-13311. [Download]

Fritz J, A Seminara, M Roper, A Pringle, M Brenner. 2013. A natural O-ring optimizes the dispersal of fungal spores. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. [Download]

Pringle A. 2013. Asthma and the Diversity of Fungal Spores in Air. PLoS Pathog 9(6): e1003371. [Download]

Marmeisse R, U Nehls, M Öpik, M-A Selosse, A Pringle. 2013. Bridging mycorrhizal genomics, metagenomics and forest ecology. New Phytologist 198:343-346. (Meeting report.) [Download]

Wolfe BE, RE Tulloss, A Pringle. 2012. The irreversible loss of a decomposition pathway marks the single origin of an ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. PLoS ONE 7(7): e39597. [Download]

Richard F, L Glass, A Pringle. 2012. Cooperation among germinating spores facilitates the growth of the fungus Neurospora crassa. Biology Letters 8:419-422 [Download]

Wolfe BE, M Kuo, A Pringle. 2012. Amanita thiersii is a saprotrophic fungus expanding its range in the United States. Mycologia 104: 22-33 [Download]

Wolfe BE, A Pringle. 2011. Geographically structured host specificity is caused by the range expansions and host shifts of a symbiotic fungus. The ISME Journal 4:745-755 [Download]

Mushegian AA, CN Peterson, CCM Baker and A Pringle. 2011. Bacterial Diversity across Individual Lichens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77(12): 4249-4252 [article | supplementary material]

Iannone R, DI Chernoff, A Pringle, ST Martin and AK Bertram. 2011. The ice nucleation ability of one of the most abundant types of fungal spores found in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11: 1191-1201 [Download]

Pringle A, E Barron, K Sartor and J Wares. 2011. Fungi and the Anthropocene: Biodiversity discovery in an epoch of loss. Fungal Ecology 2: 121-123
[Download | link to TOC for Fungal Ecology special issue on fungal conservation]

Pringle A, B Wolfe, EC Vellinga. 2011. Mycorrhizae. Entry for the Encyclopedia of Invasive Species. University of California Press [Download]

Roper M, A Seminara, MM Bandi, A Cobb, HR Dillard, A Pringle. 2010. Dispersal of fungal spores on a cooperatively generated wind. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 107(41): 17474-17479 [Download]
 - featured in News & Views: Nature 467: 669
 - featured as Editors’ Choice: Science 330: 429

Wolfe BE, F Richard, HB Cross, A Pringle. 2010. Distribution and abundance of the introduced ectomycorrhizal fungus, Amanita phalloides, in North America. New Phytologist 185: 803-816 [Download].

Hoeksema JD, VB Chaudhary, CA Gehring, NC Johnson, J Karst, RT Koide, A Pringle, C Zabinski, JD Bever, JC Moore, GWT Wilson, JN Klironomos, J Umbanhowar. 2010. A meta-analysis of context-dependency in plant response to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi. Ecology Letters 13: 394-407 [Download]

Pringle A, JD Bever, M Gardes, JL Parrent, MC Rillig, JN Klironomos. 2009. Mycorrhizal Symbioses and Plant Invasions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 40: 699-715 [Download]

Pringle A. 2009. Quick Guide: Mycorrhizal networks. Current Biology 19(18): R838-R839. [Download]

Johnson NC, VB Chaudhary, JD Hoeksema, JC Moore, A Pringle, JA Umbanhower, GWT Wilson. 2009. Mysterious mycorrhizae? A field trip and classroom experiment to demystify the symbioses formed between plants and fungi. The American Biology Teacher 71(7): 424-429 [Download]

Pringle A, RI Adams, HB Cross, TD Bruns. 2009. The ectomycorrhizal fungus Amanita phalloides was introduced and is expanding its range on the West Coast of North America. Molecular Ecology. [Download]

Vellinga EC, BE Wolfe, A Pringle. 2009. Global patterns of ectomycorrhizal introductions. New Phytologist. [The definitive version is available at this link.] [Download]

Roper M, RE Pepper, MP Brenner, A Pringle. 2008. Explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi have drag-minimizing shapes. PNAS 105(52): 20583–20588 [Download]

Peterson C, S Day, BE Wolfe, A Ellison, R Kolter, A Pringle. 2008. A keystone predator controls bacterial diversity in the pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) microecosystem. Environmental Microbiology 10(9): 2257-2266 [Download]

Pringle A, JD Bever. 2008. Analogous effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the laboratory and a North Carolina field. New Phytologist 180: 162-175. [Download] [also see Commentary]

Wolfe BE, VL Rodgers, KA Stinson and A Pringle. 2008. The invasive plant Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) inhibits ectomycorrhizal fungi in its introduced range. Journal of Ecology 96: 777-783. [Download]

Taylor JW, E Turner, A Pringle, J Dettman, H Johannesson. 2007. Fungal species: thoughts on their recognition, maintenance and selection. Pp. 313-339, In 'Fungi in the Environment'. (British Mycological Society Symposia No. 25) eds. G.M. Gadd, S.C. Watkinson and P.S. Dyer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Download chapter]

Pringle A, EC Vellinga. 2006. Last chance to know? Using literature to explore the biogeography and invasion biology of the death cap mushroom Amanita phalloides (Vaill. Ex Fr. :Fr) Link. Biological Invasions 8: 1131-1144 [Download]

Adams RI, HE Hallen, A Pringle. 2006. Using the incomplete genome of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Amanita bisporigera to identify molecular polymorphisms in the related Amanita phalloides . Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 218-220 [Download]

Gilchrist MA, DL Sulsky, A Pringle. 2006. Identifying fitness and optimal life-history strategies for an asexual filamentous fungus. Evolution 60(5): 970-979 [Download]

Schwartz MW, JD Hoeksema, CA Gehring, NC Johnson, JN Klironomos, LK Abbott, A Pringle. 2006. The promise and the potential consequences of the global transport of mycorrhizal fungal inoculum. Ecology Letters 9: 501-515 [Download]

Pringle A, SN Patek, M Fischer, J Stolze, NP Money. 2005. The captured launch of a ballistospore. Mycologia 97: 866-871 [Download]

Pringle A, DM Baker, JL Platt, JP Wares, JP Latge, JW Taylor. 2005. Cryptic speciation in the cosmopolitan and clonal human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus . Evolution 59: 1886-1899 [Download]

Rowe AR, A Pringle. 2005. Morphological and molecular evidence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal associations in Costa Rican epiphytic bromeliads. Biotropica 37: 245-250 [Download].

Pringle A. 2005. Immortal fungi. Mycena News (popular article for the Mycological Society of San Francisco). (see http://www.mssf.org/mnews/0501mn.pdf)

Pringle A, JM Moncalvo, R Vilgalys. 2003. Revisiting the rDNA sequence diversity of a natural population of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Acaulospora colossica. Mycorrhiza 13: 227-231 [Download].

Dettman JR, DJ Jacobson, E Turner, A Pringle, JW Taylor. 2003. Reproductive isolation and phylogenetic divergence in Neurospora: Comparing methods of species recognition in a model eukaryote. Evolution 57: 2721-2741 [Download].

Pringle A, D Chen, JW Taylor. 2003. Sexual fecundity is correlated to size in the lichenized fungus Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia. The Bryologist 106: 221-225 [Download].

Pringle A, JW Taylor. 2002. Understanding the fitness of filamentous fungi. Trends in Microbiology 10: 474-481 [Download].

Pringle A, JD Bever. 2002. Divergent phenologies may facilitate the coexistence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a North Carolina grassland. American Journal of Botany 89: 1439-1446 [Download]

Bever JD, A Pringle, P Schultz. 2002. Dynamics within the plant-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal mutualism: testing the nature of community feedback. Pages 267-292 in Mycorrhizal Ecology, ed. M. van der Heijden and I. Sanders. Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg.

Bever JD, PA Schultz, A Pringle, JB Morton. 2001. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: more diverse than meets the eye, and the ecological tale of why. BioScience 51: 923-931 [Download].

Pringle A, JM Moncalvo, R Vilgalys. 2000. High levels of variation in ribosomal DNA sequences within and among spores of a natural population of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Acaulospora colossica. Mycologia 92:  259-268

Pringle A, LC Moyle, J MacLachlan, J HilleRisLambers. 2000. Philosophy and biology: a review of Sex and Death. Complexity 5: 44-45

Sniegowski PD, A Pringle, K Hughes. 1994. Effects of autosomal inversions on myotic exchange in distal and proximal regions of the X-chromosomes in a natural population of D. melanogaster. Genetical Research 63: 57-62

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